
Is Self-Care selfish ? Yes or No ?

Is self-care selfish ? yes or no?  Let's dive into it.  What is self-care in general?  Self-care is a stake where you take care of yourself, be it emotionally, mentally, or physically.  Self-care is essential because if you don't care for yourself, you will be drained by society or people's criticism of you.  Hence therefore self-care isn't selfish at all actually.  How do you care for yourself ? Take one thing at a time. You do not need to push yourself so hard to complete a task. Just one day at a time will do.  Next, go for a walk. Going for a walk in the nature helps brighten your day with a fresh mind.  You can also practice mindfulness, by practicing this,  it will assist you to be mindful of your environment and surroundings, making you feel calm. Self-care is vital as everyone needs to distress themselves from the environment that makes them overstressed. Especially from school and from work.  In conclusion, we should practice self-care whenever needed cause you

Be Yourself ( see yourself as who you are )

  Embracing your unique self is one of the most difficult task to achieve. In most recent days, many people do not even ponder on embracing their true inner self . The reason behind this is because their minds are occupied with many task and schemes. And it is also because they want to fit in with other people. However, by doing this they are just not accepting who they are . Hence today , I want to emphasise that it is ok to be yourself . To be who you truly are . That's important ! Here are some ways to embrace who you truly are :   1) Remember that you are just as enough as you are  2) Accepting your feelings  3) Dismiss other people's judgment towards you  4) Celebrate your inner strengths 5) Acknowledge your vulnerabilities. So there you are folks, as a conclusion to this, we should love ourselves and see ourselves just the way we are. Your feelings are valid! source from : Thank you for reading ! By Jocelyn Ng Shu Yee

Depression poem

 Depression oh depression, From whence have you come from ?  Not sure to know but sure to have , With all the pain in my heart . Overthinking has come from the pass , With all the anxiety and anxious feelings To my brain I have no power, With the will to ease my mind . The future I have no control over it , Me having troubles to look into my life Whence has it come from I may enquire, For thy art scare of the unimaginable thing that will happen. Overtime , thy hope that things will be alright with  thyself ,  With the desire to have it all in control  For the  meaning of life is too complicated for thy to handle, But with the help and support I have ,  thy will overcome this with no trouble . By Jocelyn Ng Shu Yee 

Your Maximum and Limitations

 Have you ever felt that you are doing your maximum but never enough?  Well, I do . We all have our limitations to it and often times I feel like I am doing one more maximum. It drains me a lot cause I am already feeling super tired and yet I have to do one extra maximum.  And sometimes when I say no to something because of my limitations, I feel bad 😔. Have you all ever felt that way ?  It's like I am not doing my maximum enough. What I want to emphasize here is that  if you are doing your maximum and feel like you need a break cause of your limitations, then go for it .  Cause after all , we are all humans . And humans have their limitations as well . Thank you for reading this article!  By,  Jocelyn Ng Shu Yee 

I feel you poem

 Life is fun when you see the beauty of it , The drops of little rain will amaze you so much  To be able to write this and so it was , I often wondered if I could just take a little  few steps forward. A dim of light you could ever hope for, It's just a thousand miles away But let me tell you a secret my friend, Oh you could never run away To fake a smile I understand, The hurt you've been carrying everyday I want to comfort you just for sure  Cause to be in that position I know the pain for sure . For awhile now I've been feeling this way, For a few weeks now this has been happening  Why oh why did this situation happened? Just pondering about it anyway . By, Jocelyn Ng Shu Yee 

Poem about self-harm

 I once was safe and free like a bird, But one day to my horror  There are people who make fun of me, The people that threw my confidence down I felt that no one understood me, The feelings that no one can explain  My mind started to give me horrible comments  Is this real ? I asked myself . As years past by,  My self harm began to grew worse and worse Tied up in a cast with no one to bother, I felt suicidal and was ready to go. However, they are people that cherish and helped me , With no complaint from them I seek for their comfort  I wish I could reduce my self-harm from time to time, But I'm more afraid of being abandoned by them  By, Jocelyn