Living In A World Without Stigma


 Have you ever imagine living in a world without stigma? 

Well, it is not impossible for that to happen.

   So, what is stigma? The definition of stigma is actually a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or a person. It can make a person feel ashamed of what they are going through such as mental illness, physical illness and etc.

In a world of mental health, most people tend to label someone  who is suffering from mental health as crazy, lazy, weak, stupid and many more. This is how mental health stigma sounds like. These types of words should not be use to label someone who is struggling with their mental health. 

The outcome of labelling someone can possibly bring their motivation down making them feeling weak and unmotivated.

If we could end the stigma of mental health, patients who is struggling with mental illness would have the courage to seek professional help without the fear of being stigmatized by anyone. This means that patients would be able to come out from their hiding spot to get medical attention. In addition to that, patients who harmed themselves by cutting would not need to hide their scars anymore and for those who are suicidal would not need to be scare to tell what is going on in their mind. 

Such benefits of eliminating the stigma against mental health should be introduce to this world as more people will be able to get the help that they need to take care of their mental health. 

That is how living in a world without stigma would be like. 

To make that happen, a campaign should be introduce to the community to help raise awareness of mental health. The government can also participate by having clinics for mental health in every hospital. Not just that, schools can also help by having talks on mental health so that students will be well equipped to face what they are going through.

Having said that, we should not judge someone just because they are in need of help. We should be kind and be there for them whenever they are down and alone. Being there for them and listening to their problem helps them to feel that they are not alone in this journey.

Let us therefore help end discrimination against mental health.


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