
What comes to your mind when you hear the word " warrior "?

You must be wondering about a soldier being a warrior fighting for our beloved country.

  Well, that is not the case.

What I am going to mention here is about being a warrior for your mental health. 

Being a warrior and fighting off your demons is not as easy as I take note about. It can be really scary and stressful to be in this position. Everyday thoughts will keep coming to you and haunt you saying that you are not good enough. That you are a failure. These thoughts that you are having can bring down your self-esteem. 

If these thoughts are uncontrolled, they can bring you down to the bottomless of the pit making you so down and alone. In that pit, you will obtain lots of negative thoughts. It will keep pressing onto you until you give up. Let's make this general, to give up is to give up living which many people in this world now is facing this situation. 

Though it can be really difficult to manage all of this bullshit. But hey, you are not alone in this!

There are many people out there that are here for you. Many out there are facing the exact problem you are having now.

Those scars on your arm make you a warrior. They are your battle scars. It signifies that you have gone through a lot and you will definitely go through this successfully. 

Cause you know what ? You are a warrior.  

You will be able to tell your story to others, to be their inspiration. Your story will be a motivation to others. To motivate them to press on and to not give up. You will be able to make a huge difference in other people's life.

I believe that you are able to conquer all your problems and pains. Not in one day, but one day at a time. It is ok to not be ok. It is ok to fall and cry. Cause, after all, we are humans, right?

Do seek professional help whenever you need it. 

Here for you always.

Continue being a warrior. 


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