
 It was a beautiful day on Saturday. I was getting ready to go to the supermarket to get some groceries done. As usual, I have to walk to the supermarket cause I don't have a vehicle. It will take at least half an hour for me to reach the supermarket. Not to mention the heavy traffic where people are just squashing against you to get their groceries too.

I set off early that day along with my grocery bag. I wore a fine cap, a t-shirt and jeans. The day was too good to be true or maybe not. We will never know what will happen on the way. Which is true.

As I was walking my way to the supermarket, I was thinking about getting a cup of coffee. I just can't wait to taste it ! Suddenly, I fell into the sewer and both of my legs got stuck. People were astonished to see me stuck and they started giggling among each other. I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me!

After some time, I managed to pull myself together and freed myself from the sewer. I checked myself and there were bruises all over my legs. I was horrified and felt terrible of myself. I just couldn't  believe my eyes that I was terribly injured.

I managed to get my groceries done and went back feeling awful. I was speechless and there were no words to describe how embarassed and scared I felt at that time. Nevertheless, it has taught me one lesson from that incident too . That we should always be alert on our surrounding. You will never know what will happen right ?


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