Dear 18 years old self


  Dear 18 years old self , 

I want to encourage you to not stop trying. To never give up on yourself.I understand that all these years has been really painful and difficult for you.You were struggling with depression and self harm . It must have been really difficult for you to go through this.


However, I want to give you hope .Hope that you will get through this.That situation will change.Whenever you drop down, do get back up. It may be tough but at least you try.

Things may not heal that fast.Do be patient with yourself when you are trying things out. 

Everyone cares for you .Start by being kind to yourself. Cause you deserve it.You deserve the best.

I hope this message can encourage you to be the best version of yourself .

                         Yours truly,


                                                         ( 18 years old self )



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