Suicide Awareness
Suicide is often a taboo to talk about . Suicide should be considered as a serious topic and should not be forbidden to talk about .
In here , I going to explain what is suicide and we as a society can help those with suicidal ideation.
So what is passive suicide ?
Passive suicide is someone having suicidal thoughts but has no plan to go initiate it .
What about active suicide?
Active suicide is when someone has the thoughts about suicide and has a plan to carry it out .
Either one , we should take all suicide seriously.
So how can we help someone who is suicidal?
1) Use empathy
2) Recognise the warning signs
3) Reach out and ask " are you ok ?"
4) Be direct ( ask about suicide)
5) Access risk and don't panic
6) it's a crisis, stick around
7) Listen and offer hope
8) Help your loved one make a safety plan
9) Help them tackle the mental health care system
10) Explore tools and support online
11) Encourage them to talk about their feelings
What are the warning signs someone who is suicidal ?
1) Has attempted suicide in the past.
2) Has a mental health condition, such as depression and mood disorders, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders.
3) Has long-term pain or a disabling or terminal illness.
4) Expresses feelings of hopelessness.
5) Has money or legal problems.
6) Has violent or impulsive behavior.
7) Has alcohol or other substance abuse problems.
8) Has easy access to self-harm methods, such as firearms or medications.
9) Has a history of physical, emotional or sexual abuse; or neglect or bullying.
10) Has lost relationships through break-up, divorce or death.
11) Has a family history of death by suicide.
12) Is socially isolated; lacks support.
13) Withdrawing from others
14) Being sad or moody
15) Threatening suicide or talking about wanting to die
In conclusion, we should always look out for someone who is suicidal and not simply judge them . Someone who is suicidal are suffering every day from their mental health and we as a person should not ignore them .
Crisis hotline:
1) 03-76272929 ( Befrienders KL )
2) 15555 ( Talian Heal ) ( 8 am -12 am )
3) 1800182327 ( Buddy Bear helpline ) ( 6pm-12am )
Thank you for reading this article. Hope it helps .%20_%20Greetings%20Island.jpeg)
- By Jocelyn Ng Shu Yee.
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