Depression is not only just sadness all the time but is the feeling of unworthiness, loss of interest ,self blaming and etc . There are a few types of depression. 1) Major Depressive Disorder or clinical depression 2) Persistent Depressive Disorder 3)Bipolar Disorder or manic depression 4) Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) 5)Psychotic Depression 6)Peripartum (Postpartum) Depression 7)Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) Signs that someone has depression would be : 1) having depressed mood for most of the days ( weeks , months) 2) lack of interest or motivation in daily tasks 3) having difficulties concentrating or making decisions. 4) feelings of fatigue everyday 5) oftentimes feel worthless, lacking in confidence, and/ or guilty. 6) having suicidal thoughts or thoughts of harming oneself . How can we as a society can help those who are depressed ? 1) Be emphatic 2) Validate their feelings 3) Understand that it's not easy to go through depression 4...