
Showing posts from April, 2024

I feel you poem

 Life is fun when you see the beauty of it , The drops of little rain will amaze you so much  To be able to write this and so it was , I often wondered if I could just take a little  few steps forward. A dim of light you could ever hope for, It's just a thousand miles away But let me tell you a secret my friend, Oh you could never run away To fake a smile I understand, The hurt you've been carrying everyday I want to comfort you just for sure  Cause to be in that position I know the pain for sure . For awhile now I've been feeling this way, For a few weeks now this has been happening  Why oh why did this situation happened? Just pondering about it anyway . By, Jocelyn Ng Shu Yee 

Poem about self-harm

 I once was safe and free like a bird, But one day to my horror  There are people who make fun of me, The people that threw my confidence down I felt that no one understood me, The feelings that no one can explain  My mind started to give me horrible comments  Is this real ? I asked myself . As years past by,  My self harm began to grew worse and worse Tied up in a cast with no one to bother, I felt suicidal and was ready to go. However, they are people that cherish and helped me , With no complaint from them I seek for their comfort  I wish I could reduce my self-harm from time to time, But I'm more afraid of being abandoned by them  By, Jocelyn 


  As I twisted my words into topsy-turvy, I begun to feel strange  My curiosity has make me wonder , Am I really that mentally well ? For some reason there's explanation for that,  But  now I know this world sucks Having a nice pot of tea, Can make wonder how famous it is  A mirror reflects my image of myself, How awesome would it be if I'm not low on my self image Bad days comes and goes away, Would you see the wonders of space and time All these questions are running through my mind, To be able to be strong I bear no more Oh God please come and save me, For I'm drowning in the deepest water  By, Jocelyn Ng Shu Yee 

A Better World

 As you think the whole world would end, Stand there and wait for the rain has come The world is cruel, there's no shocking to that, Finding them is not rare at all  The Earth is round you should know that, But some says it is flat to my unbelieve  How can one judge someone they never met,  Maybe it's because of their clever mind  People love to throw their rubbish everywhere, That's not surprising for I have seen that  The only think I pondered about it, Is that do they have brains to think properly? Oh how I wish for a better world, A world without pain and neglection For I still believe in the betterment of our world, To be able to see the light in the dark tunnel  By, Jocelyn Ng Shu Yee 

Poem about being strong

 Chilli padi is as strong as it should be, The taste of it can blew you up immediately  Oh my friend beware about it , For it is as strong as a mighty valor  Tough times are meant to make you strong  And what does that mean?  Well, if you see my friend,  Courage to face the world are always too scary. But by being strong takes a lot of work, As it doesn't happens overnight  Therefore please be patient to yourself  As help is always there. Being confident, you need to have a lot of reassurance, Because without confidence, you lack courage And if you watch closely my friend,  I promise you I will be there for you ❤️ By, Jocelyn 


 Red bean blue sky, I am falling apart  And how much more do I need to wait ? To be treated by someone else My imperfections makes me cross, Why can't I control my feelings? The feelings that is in my heart, For it is too painful to bear  Oh I wish that every pain in my heart would just go away, For I know I'm too weak to fight this battle alone  And  this battle alone is hard to handle , Maybe a little bit of help would make me feel great. Why oh why I've to go through this ?  What wrong did I do to deserve this pain ? What should I do to end this pain?  With a garden full of flowers I'd say. By, Jocelyn 


 Every single day is a hell for me , People that cared for me has turn away from my presence. I feel lost and hurt, And I pondered how can this be ?  Was it because of my insolence? Or was it because I am a fool ? How can this be ? With no one understanding my condition. My memory is poor due to my condition, But most of the people just wouldn't understand it How can I fight this battle ? With no one beside me. My heart is beating faster as it is , And tears started rolling down my cheeks  With this long suffering I had endure, It's time to say goodbye to this world. By, Jocelyn 

Poem about my situation

 I hate this world that's for sure The imperfect me to do this as well My imagination has started to engage For what reason do this ends Thousands of thoughts that I can't control Is like a sea full of waves To survive the storms you need to be strong For many will fail at this point of time. A listening ear would be very helpful, To have someone by your side is good But if that person is not your kind of choice  It can blew you up in any minute. Oh how I wish someone could understand me , For in my heart there is pain. If I could just recover from this depression I would be glad enough to show you the way . By, Jocelyn Ng Shu Yee 


 To endure life is difficult to say, mysterious things happen to me  Every eyes are watching me now To feel embarrassed I can't take it . Hello there my friend, Do you recognise me?  With such big hugs I'd love to have  Ups and downs is a normal thing, To fuss about it I understand that I feel your emotions that's for sure , To  be with you I care so much  Come come I miss you a lot , Thoughts after thoughts I reckon so much With a little pepper I love to have , To be free like a bird that's the spirit  By, Jocelyn Ng Shu Yee 

Poem of hope

 To me and to others are not the same , Anger and sadness comes quickly as it should  The days of my distress has not come to an end  I tried to be positive but I lost my way. My past are haunting me with no rest With this brain of mine that could conclude faster 24 hours that never change How could I survive until now? The grass are not always greener than the other side, How could it be ?  I asked myself , With worries that I can't control  I hope that my heart would not melt away Feelings that I still don't know But one day I'd know the bigger picture  Hoping to be a better self . By, Jocelyn Ng Shu Yee 

Poem of goodbyes

 The pain in my heart is hard to bear,  Countless of thoughts running through my mind I am stuck in the black hole Can you hear me out ? Every single day is a struggle for me , I tried so hard but nothing has change With more challenges I have to work, With nobody understands how pain is it. Hiding your inner pain is so inevitable, Failures after failures I have to face  My mind is so down I have to say, To myself I see no more hope My heart hurts so much to my despair, Waiting for the time to come to not be around  I will miss you so much that's for sure , Goodbye my friend and forget about me  Thank you  By, Jocelyn Ng Shu Yee 

Poem on everyday life

 With love and comfort I find no more , Sadness and loneliness to you I smile With those emotions I find comfort , To you and alone my heart melts away . Rain and thunder scares me to death, With whom shall I be with , with no one there  With much yearning for someone to be there for me , My hope has fallen into the deepest hole To my love I said I'll be there for you , With much respect I do continue  Where do I find such person with good altitude? Making a difference out there is the ke y to success It seems like a better world would be good, To find one good person is hard to do. See the whole world around you with love To treasure what we have in our everyday life .

To you and only you alone

 By, Jocelyn Ng Shu Yee